Shadow buffer
Shayota Thangal is the name given in Akilatirtu Ammanai to the places of worship of Ayyavahi. These are completely different from records. Among the places of worship of Ayyavarhi, those that do not have a direct connection with the avatars of Ayya Vaikunder are universally referred to as Thangals.
These are smaller in size than records. Also, there will be no idols here. These are kept very clean.
According to the 1996 census, South India as a whole is estimated to have 7000 buffers. They are more common in the southern districts of Tamil Nadu.
In the 2018s, the names Shayta Thangal have been changed here and there to Thirukoil by some ignorant people. It is clear in Akilathiratu Ammanai that those associated with the direct idols of Ayya are mentioned as padis and other Ayya shrines as shadow buffers. Changing the name to Thirukoil instead of it is not suitable for Ayyavahi. Ayya himself gave us this right of worship because he was not allowed to enter the temple. Why should we poke our eye with our hand. Let us be vigilant. Let us stay away from evil people. Let us worship in the padi and shadow buffers that Ayya has blessed us with and receive the grace of Ayya.
In this, Amaravativilai Shayota Thangal is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month and a ten day festival and almsgiving is celebrated in a year.